A Golden Age of BS Detection

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4 Responses

  1. Arrgo says:

    Great stuff Joe and I totally agree. This is something I really started tuning into myself years ago. I started analyzing and questioning everything. I remember one thing I did was cancel my cable TV after getting tired of all their regular price increases. (You’ve had cable your whole life. You can’t not have it right?) I’m proud of the fact that I started doing this a few years before I discovered MMM and in some ways it felt a little weird. One thing I’ve noticed is a lot of companies scale back their products and still charge the same or more. Look at the size of hershey bars, coffee, frozen pizza, dish and laundry detergent etc. Less ounces every few years. Take notice of product packaging with lots of empty space and air in the bag to make it look bigger. The same thing with restaurants and fast food. The thing with some active investments funds these days is that they mostly track some index whether its the S&P 500 or 1000 Growth index etc. You have to ask if its worth it to pay .75% more thinking they will beat their index over the long haul by enough to make it worth while. Fidelity’s Contra Fund makes about $900 Million a year just off the expense ratio. College seems to be a big money making scam too. All the money they have in endowment funds, state aid, sports sponsorships and donation from alumni and they keep charging students more each year and claim how broke they are. I’ve heard many people say they could have gotten the same effective degree at a cheaper school. Review and challenge all your bills and expenses. Dont be one of the sheep that gets corralled by all the smart “experts”, advertisers etc. Think for yourself and dont just accept the status quo.

  2. Brilliant article Joe. I’ve had several times in my life that were pivotal “what I believe is BS” turning points.

    One was when I realized we had no chimney so there was no way santa was getting in, one was when I started my debt cleanup journey and since then there’s been many more.

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