Reading Signs In San Francisco

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4 Responses

  1. Cool blog. I enjoy how you write and am commenting to follow.

  2. Nice. I live in the Bay Area and know all the sights pictured. Not everyone here is status conscious or determined to show how wealthy they are by how they spend their money. But many are.

    I can see by the (lack of) people in the pictures, that you visited in the morning during a work day… all the working stiffs are, well, working. Glad to read about someone (else, like me) who now has the freedom to come and go without anyone else’s permission.

    It’s great to go outside when everyone else is working. Sometimes when go outside (weekdays, mornings or afternoons) and stand outside my house, all I hear are birds. Nothing is moving, except birds. Quite, wonderful quite. No cars, no sirens, not trucks, no weed whackers. Everyone else is working somewhere else, and its just me (and maybe my wife) and the outsides. Yum.

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