The Scrupulous Saver v. The Savvy Investor

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5 Responses

  1. Arrgo says:

    I agree Joe. Your own financial behavior can be more important than most people realize. Many people sabotage themselves with poor investment decisions and habits. Most attempts at market timing or other maneuvers I’ve made usually haven’t worked out as well. Even though I’ve followed and studied investing and the markets for a long time, whats worked best was just putting all my contributions on automatic over the last 20+ years, gone to work, and not thought too much about it. I’ve never been a high earner, but now my accounts are pretty huge which is almost hard to believe.

  2. The small habits of your financial behaviors add up over time.

    I think the strongest reason people struggle to make those behaviors has to do with delayed gratification. It is much more gratifying to buy the house in the hamptons, pick an awesome stock, and think you will afford the payments as wealth increases.

    What happens instead, you get stuck in a job and lose control to switch. Your mortgage makes it hard for you to afford trips for new experiences. And your retirement age continues to grow as you invest less and less each year, losing that powerful compound interest!

    Great spreadsheets and explanation!

  3. Wowza! Yes, personal savings rate plus intelligent behavior trumps stock market timing every time. Time in the market beats timing the market for sure.
    Great analysis! Thanks for the post!

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