How Cold Showers Can Help You Achieve Financial Independence

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11 Responses

  1. Steveark says:

    I’m a boomer athlete with distance running and tennis as my main sports. I’ve read several posts about cold showers and they all remind me of what my greatest generation dad often said about people doing something intentionally unpleasant that had no obvious benefits. “Kinda like hitting your head against a brick wall because it feels so good when you stop! “. You keep on keeping on with the masochism and I’ll stick with soaking in a hot bathtub because that truly does feel sooooo good.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If you are getting around doing cold showers, you should have a look at the Wim Hof Method. I think you will like it.

  3. Jim says:

    I just finished reading a book called Own the Day and the author recommends 30 deep breaths before turning the shower knob as cold as it can go and staying in the water for 3 minutes. I don’t think I’ve gone past 30 seconds yet but I love it, it feels so refreshing.

    The authors reasoning is similar to yours. We live our lives in chronic stress over work, money, etc. We also go from an air conditioned house to an air conditioned car to an air conditioned office. So much of our life is just easy and comfortable. By putting yourself in the freezing cold water you’re putting the body through some acute stress (better than chronic stress) and flexing your will power. Making your body suffer for 3 minutes just to prove to yourself that you have that control. I’d definitely recommend people try it, it’s surprisingly refreshing.

    • Joe Freedom says:

      Thanks Jim. I’ll have to check that out. I know my showers are shorter in duration since switching to cold, but usually by the end I’m enjoying the temp rather than recoiling from it.

      Awesome thoughts. Thanks! Joe

  4. Ian Bond says:

    I like dialing the temperature down but not to the point of freezing myself. I’ve tried it and I think the benefit comes from the discipline not the extreme cold water. Works for me.

    Tony Robbins has a plunge pool at his place in Palm Beach. That’s something to shoot for!

    • Joe Freedom says:

      Nice. I agree, I don’t shoot for infliction of pain. If I don’t adjust to the cold relatively quickly–maybe 30 seconds or so–then I’ve gone too far. The learning exercise for me was that I could endure (and in fact master) conditions that I previously considered unendurable. And even ENJOY those conditions.

  5. John Boudreau says:

    I started cold finish showers about 18 months ago. I take a normal warm shower, and when I’m done rinsing off, I turn the shower to full cold for a minute, 20 seconds on the front, 20 on the back and another 20 on the front. I’m at the point that I can’t start my day without it. I feel energized and fully awake.

    • Joe Freedom says:

      Agreed. Your approach requires real discipline. If I start hot, I’m typically not able to switch to cold. Makes me think of a child that is raised in an environment where they get everything they want; it’s hard to move from that place to one where there are limits on consumption.

  6. Adam says:

    Whew, I don’t know that I’d _want_ to take a cold shower, but the comparison to spending money makes sense. There is a similarity in the feeling after taking a warm shower as purchasing something.

  7. Kyle S says:

    Big fan of cold showers for physical and psychological reasons. I usually finish every shower off with 30-60 seconds of cold blast. Definitely find that they help me sleep better and also improve my mood. It’s a habit that definitely takes getting used to though.

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